Hello PCD family! It is getting very close to Star Wars Weekend time!! Can you believe it has already been a year??? Anyhoo, as I did the last 2 years, I am going to hit Star Wars Weekends to try and help folks with these AWESOME Star Wars CARS!!! I have already received a few PMS and emails requesting help (I have made notes of all those that were interested) but starting NOW, I am going to open up a BUYERS list for anyone that is interested in obtaining the 2015 Star Wars Cars. PREPAYMENT WILL LOCK YOU IN. I am closing this list on Thursday May 14th at Midnight Eastern Time. Please read all details below if you are interested.
I am going to do everything I can to help as many people as possible, but at the moment there are still some significant variables that are unknown ... actual cost of each car especially the multiple box sets and mystery set they are offering this year ... whether there is a PURCHASE LIMIT on what they will allow me to buy for some or all of them (last year the Sand Troopers set was limited to 1 per person in your party per day) ... I am going to try to do very similar to what I did last year but not sure how this year will work ... That being said, here is what I would like to do ...
*There will be a LIMIT of 2 sets per person. I have no idea how many cars they will allow me to buy and want to share with as many folks as I can. If there IS A PURCHASE LIMIT, I will secure 1 set for everyone on my list BEFORE I try to do a second set for anyone. I will fill orders in the order in which they were paid.*
*IF I get to the Park and they have NOT arrived yet (which happened in 2013. I had to pay for a second ticket and return the next day to buy them), have already sold out or I am unable to obtain enough of these to fill the PREPAID orders from members, I will issue a full refund to any one I cannot help. *
*I WILL SHIP OVER SEAS, via Priority Mail so that the package is track-able. Overseas Members PLEASE email me for more details BEFORE MAKING A PAYMENT so we can talk about details. THANKS!!!*
*A deposit of $100 for one set and $190 for two sets will be required to secure your name on the BUYERS list. I will issue partial refunds IF the cost of cars and shipping ends up being significantly less. I will also request additional payment if things work out to be more, but lets think positively!*
*Payment should be made AS A GIFT via paypal to jestrjef AT hotmail DOT com BEFORE MIDNIGHT Eastern Time on THURSDAY May 14th.*
*Please include the heading 2015 STAR WARS CARS and your PCD ID in the notes section of your payment. I will know the number of sets you would like based on the payment. *
*Once payment has been made, I will send you an email confirming I have received your payment, and what number in line you are. *
All I want to do is help, and I hope that this goes smoothly. If you have any other questions at all, PLEASE email me and I will be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. jestrjef AT hotmail DOT com
I look forward to helping as many of you as I can with these exciting new 2015 Star Wars Cars releases!! On a side note, if you need any of the previous year’s cars, I can look for those as well. Last year they did have a few of the previous year’s cars.
I am going to do everything I can to help as many people as possible, but at the moment there are still some significant variables that are unknown ... actual cost of each car especially the multiple box sets and mystery set they are offering this year ... whether there is a PURCHASE LIMIT on what they will allow me to buy for some or all of them (last year the Sand Troopers set was limited to 1 per person in your party per day) ... I am going to try to do very similar to what I did last year but not sure how this year will work ... That being said, here is what I would like to do ...
*There will be a LIMIT of 2 sets per person. I have no idea how many cars they will allow me to buy and want to share with as many folks as I can. If there IS A PURCHASE LIMIT, I will secure 1 set for everyone on my list BEFORE I try to do a second set for anyone. I will fill orders in the order in which they were paid.*
*IF I get to the Park and they have NOT arrived yet (which happened in 2013. I had to pay for a second ticket and return the next day to buy them), have already sold out or I am unable to obtain enough of these to fill the PREPAID orders from members, I will issue a full refund to any one I cannot help. *
*I WILL SHIP OVER SEAS, via Priority Mail so that the package is track-able. Overseas Members PLEASE email me for more details BEFORE MAKING A PAYMENT so we can talk about details. THANKS!!!*
*A deposit of $100 for one set and $190 for two sets will be required to secure your name on the BUYERS list. I will issue partial refunds IF the cost of cars and shipping ends up being significantly less. I will also request additional payment if things work out to be more, but lets think positively!*
*Payment should be made AS A GIFT via paypal to jestrjef AT hotmail DOT com BEFORE MIDNIGHT Eastern Time on THURSDAY May 14th.*
*Please include the heading 2015 STAR WARS CARS and your PCD ID in the notes section of your payment. I will know the number of sets you would like based on the payment. *
*Once payment has been made, I will send you an email confirming I have received your payment, and what number in line you are. *
All I want to do is help, and I hope that this goes smoothly. If you have any other questions at all, PLEASE email me and I will be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. jestrjef AT hotmail DOT com
I look forward to helping as many of you as I can with these exciting new 2015 Star Wars Cars releases!! On a side note, if you need any of the previous year’s cars, I can look for those as well. Last year they did have a few of the previous year’s cars.
