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How was your Kmart 9 store experience? Please post in this thread

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  • How was your Kmart 9 store experience? Please post in this thread

    How was your Kmart 9 store experience? Please post your comments and pictures in this thread.

    Less than 6 hours to go... I hope I can get a couple more hours of sleep before my alarm goes off... I'm looking forward to the event... I'll provide updates as I go, and photos later today.

    Update... now less than 3 hours to go... I gave up on trying to sleep... it happens every Kmart Cars Collector Event... and on days when new Cars are expected to turn up in other stores.

    I am cac1959... I am a Cars-a-holic... and a proud supporter of Nathan's Playroom

  • #2
    Its almost like christmas. The excitement borders on the unbearable. I'll be following this thread

    Good luck!!

    Transformers for Trade


    • #3
      I know the feeling I was there at the last one hoping ill be at the next one, can't wait to see what Chris gets and others, its good news in the UK too, no new stock in stores but theres a seller on ebay with Alex, suki & Otis but for £19.99 I think ill wait.


      • #4
        T minus one hour...


        • #5
          Boy this will be something i'll report what i get soon..


          • #6
            3 families this time, the last 6 or so events I was the only one there.
            Got 2 each of the "first to market" cars. And a set of all for my ET in Belgium.


            • #7
              Good job gotfrank im sure your ET in belgium will be thrilled to hear thus

              Transformers for Trade


              • #8
                Just came back from the event.... Best experience for me ever! There was me and 3 other groups there, they only had 4 cases of 24 each there. I was able to get an entire case of 24.. Then I saw people put their cases back only getting 1 or 2 cars from it, I got more. I got stocked up on Alexander Hugo and Mary Esgocar. Here's some pictures ~

                I was so happy with what I got, I was able to leave the store with -

                • Silver Lightning McQueen with Racing Wheels x5
                • Silver Nigel Gearsley x4
                • Silver Miguel Camino x4
                • Silver Max Schnell x4
                • Silver Lewis Hamilton x4

                Kmart Cars Exclusives
                • Mary Esgocar x3
                • Alexander Hugo with Party Hat x3

                Hope everyone had a great Kmart #9 like I did!


                • #9
                  Quick report... Store 1 - just me. Bought 60 Cars. Store 2 - I was first person. They brought out a sealed master carton that had been re-taped... Inside 3 re-taped cases. I could take want I wanted from 1 case. Got lucky and got 2 each of Lewis, Mary, and Alexander.

                  Store 3 I went to by accident as it had been picked over the last 3 times. 11 am and I was the first. Got all 8 of Lewis, Mary, & Alexander... Store 4 was not as good this time... 48 Cars total but only 1 each of the 3 of 2.

                  Not much at Kohl's, Target, or TRU. I may buy the 12 pack for a friend who wants it.

                  Eating lunch now and will then go to more Kmart stores. I will add photos and comments later today. I have the Cars for all PCD members I talked to before the event and am working on more for a couple others. I hope I can find more Mary, Alexander, and Lewis and get a store poster.

                  I do not have extras at this time.

                  I am cac1959... I am a Cars-a-holic... and a proud supporter of Nathan's Playroom


                  • #10
                    Very good news indeed. I really wish there were kmarts around here for the events. I would have loved to attend one.
                    hope you enjoyed your lunch

                    Transformers for Trade


                    • #11
                      I hit one store and was all set after. 33 cars for me and some international friends. 5x Nigel, Miguel, Lewis, Max, 7x Alex, 6x Mary. I was the only one there at the start but five minutes into me ravaging through the cases another guy and his kids showed up. He was a little disappointed that I took 7 of 8 Alexanders but I was buying for friends who I had already committed to. Unfortunately that's how it goes sometimes, Mattel's fault for only sending one master case.

                      I also got the in-store poser and the checklist poster - new with the Silver Cars from this event on top (nothing else different). I didn' know this was going to happen, but the cars all rang up Buy 5 Get 1 Free! BIG thanks to Carol the Toy Manager at the Doylestown, PA KMart - you're the best!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bumper Save View Post
                        five minutes into me ravaging through the cases another guy and his kids showed up. He was a little disappointed that I took 7 of 8 Alexanders but I was buying for friends who I had already committed to. Unfortunately that's how it goes sometimes, Mattel's fault for only sending one master case.
                        Someday when you have kids you will truly understand that man's disappointment...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by John in Missouri View Post
                          Someday when you have kids you will truly understand that man's disappointment...
                          I know - I feel bad about it, but I had people who had prepaid for Cars and I couldn't disappoint them. I was talking about this with Jonj in chat and, to paraphrase what he said, "It's like there were 7 people in front of him who wanted this car, not just you." If I had extras I would have happily given them to him, but all of the ones I had were claimed already.


                          • #14
                            as a father of 2, i can understand his feelings too, but that is how it goes to be honest, and also a big thankyou to Bumpersave, as without his help this would be another set of new cars to disapoint my son.........................thanks very much m8 your an absolute star


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by aldouk View Post
                              as a father of 2, i can understand his feelings too, but that is how it goes to be honest, and also a big thankyou to Bumpersave, as without his help this would be another set of new cars to disapoint my son.........................thanks very much m8 your an absolute star
                              No problem Alan, anytime. I just wish I could have helped you and still left some for the other guy too..well it is what it is.

