Okay here's how this thread will work. You name a car that you don't know where it appeared in either movie and hopefully someone else here can tell us where it shows up, post a screen shot from the movie if you have it, or give the time on the DVD player where the character shows up. I have seen both movies about 50 times each and there are still characters I don't have a clue where they are. So if anyone knows please share. I'll start with these:
1) Bindo
2) Victor Paveone
3) Becky Wheelin
4) Carlo Maserati
5) Greta
6) Jonathan Wrenchworths
7) Donna Pitts
8) Maurice Wheelks
1) Bindo
2) Victor Paveone
3) Becky Wheelin
4) Carlo Maserati
5) Greta
6) Jonathan Wrenchworths
7) Donna Pitts
8) Maurice Wheelks