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on the back foot...

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  • on the back foot...

    wonder if anyone has had to defend their hobby, we had a dinner party tonight and to cut a long, long story short I was on the recieving end of one almighty slagging, 4 to 1, funny my wife remained quiet, apart from saying, take them up to the roofspace..
    I declined to do so as I reckoned they would take the mick even more...
    Ru5ty if it hadnt of been so late I would have come up to get you and even then it would have been touch and go

    When I told them I,D watched the video 30 plus times, the place was in uproar, (mind you 30 was a somewhat conservative estimate, but I didnt let on)

  • #2
    sorry I wasn't there chum, but then I probably would have been laughed at too.... You know its never to late for some backup chum and it could have been worse, Karen coulda joined in and had a laugh too.
    And 30 views of a great animation is modest in my estimates, i'm close to 100 at least


    • #3
      stu, of course 30 was modest, but I wasnt giving them a 3 figure amount!


      • #4
        Once my son saw Cars for the first time, I think we hit 30 viewings in less than 30 days. 18 months later it still gets played 2-3 times a week. Good thing it is a DVD because I would have had replace the VHS copy by now when the tape dissolved.

        signature courtesy of BomBom77


        • #5
          I think having to defend one's hobby is common when you're a Cars-a-holic... When my wife brings up my Cars addiction, I counter with her scrapbooking addiction, which tends to quiet her down... Friends and family tell her I could have worse habits - chasing women, drugs, booze - and that she should be glad I have a hobby that I share with my grandchildren... We don't watch Cars as often as we used to, but my grandchildren and I have seen it over 100 times... they enjoyed Cars2, and I expect we'll be watching Cars followed by Cars2 when the Cars2 Blu-ray comes out.

          I am cac1959... I am a Cars-a-holic... and a proud supporter of Nathan's Playroom


          • #6
            My wife keeps talking about getting my son a toybox to keep his cars in. As if they didn't have enough paint scratches already? Maybe some of those big plastic display cases could be in our future...

            signature courtesy of BomBom77

