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What i found at tru this morning

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  • What i found at tru this morning

    So I take the boy to look for new guys today at TRU, of course we don't find anything our TRU is really really sad. Anyway guess what we found in the parking lot when we were leaving??............ A baby girl left unattended in her car seat in the back seat of the car parked next to us!!........YES u read that right!!! WTF is wrong with people????....... Well that was it being a parent I instantly started shaking and was just plain pissed! I went in and told them what I found and said to call the cops then I made the employees go outside and surround the car until the cops came, they didn't argue I was snappin out at this point! I don't have an ending to the story as I had to leave. If these scumbag parents would have come out and attempted to leave or something I would have beat the hell outta someone, and again I had the boy with me. I am very easy going ad it takes a lot to really piss me off but that was it I was so disgusted and shaking with rage I had to go home for a while to cool down. Hug your kids today and be sure to tell them u love them so they know, cause obviously some people don't give a **** about theirs!!

  • #2
    Shocking! So many ways that this story could have ended badly. Well done you for alerting the proper authorities.


    • #3
      Wow... Who in their right mind leaves a baby in a car seat in a car?

      The answer is no one.

      I took my dad to a retiree picnic yesterday... He insisted that I stop at a few stores on the way back... I was fine not stopping but I've learned over the years not to argue with my parents... I offered to keep the car running with the air conditioning on but he said just to roll down my window - there was a decent breeze and it was relatively cool... the point is he was able to make a decision on whether to go into the store or not... a baby or a pet are not... (and I didn't find anything worth buying at either Kmart).

      Thanks for reporting this, Cars4josh...

      I am cac1959... I am a Cars-a-holic... and a proud supporter of Nathan's Playroom


      • #4
        People are messed up! That's so sad.


        • #5
          I've heard stories like this too many times. Its amazing how people can take chances with their kids.


          • #6
            wow...completely and absolutely disgusting that this still happens in this day and age. I don't even leave my kids in the car unattended to go in to pay for gas when I fill up (a little extreme but I can't help it).

            Transformers for Trade


            • #7
              I bet the parent's excuse was that they were just going in for a minute and would be right back out. Whatever the reason, you did the right thing. I'm proud of you.

              Ka-Chigga, Ka-Chow, and Ka-Ciao! - DjB


              • #8
                There isn't anything wrong with your reaction. I believe it was the best and right thing to do.

                I had heard a case where kids died due to heat/hydration...
                The kids were left in the cars unattended for hours..

                2 months ago there was also an incident where 2-3 kids were left in the car.
                The elder brother decided to go and look for their parents and later he was found dead at a drain...


                • #9
                  This is just absurd .... how in the world does this happen?? The parent was probably so buried in his/her cell phone, that they didn't even think twice about it. Like you, I would have called the cops! The parent should have been charged with child neglect!! I teach middle school so there isn't much that phases me ... but seeing this would have blown my top!


                  • #10
                    Clearly a first class D-bag. Or some mental deficiencies perhaps. Kudos for being responsible (for someone else's kid) and doing the right thing!!

