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Recent Finds - June 2013 Store Purchases

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  • carslover
    i found these at my kmart 35 miles from here
    the 2 chase were not there the last time i went
    it's like mattel sent them 2 chase cars loose because everything else was exactly the same as my last visit
    if another car collector had been in to buy the rest of the case these came out of these would be gone too lol
    I bought the unibody miles and holly to get another ivan


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  • jbail10
    Originally posted by cac1959 View Post
    Great scores, jestrjef and Hunter... Not exciting, but here are my finds from today:

    Kabuto (TJ Maxx) and Miles Axelrod (unibody, from Carson's):

    Struck out at a Target store... bypassed 3 Walmart stores and 1 Toys R US... went into the Kmart on my way home:

    Should get me 4 more Ivan... that's the most 2013 carded Deluxe and Movie Moments I've seen at any Kmart store I've been to... No Francesco Fan Mater or Elvis... no singles worth buying... I didn't have the 2013 Bob/Darrell Movie Moments for myself.

    I may go Cars shopping tomorrow morning...
    Chris, all 5 Kmarts I have hit don't even have cars for me to buy to get the Ivan

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  • cac1959
    Hunter - those Desert Back Cars/cards seem to be in very good shape for as old as they are... congratulations.

    Are the DB12 or DB16? By looking on the back of the card, you'll see either 12 or 16 Cars on the back... you can see photos and more in my article at:

    Now we'll see if you come down with Desert Back Fever and decide to finish a set.

    And Fillmore1234 - I'm like you - it may be wishful thinking but I'd hope to find new Cars on my birthday as well... case F still hasn't appeared in our county... Meijer is still on D... Walmart has almost all Francesco (29 of 40), Kohl's has old Finn and McQueen singles, and Kmart has only gotten in Deluxe, Hydro Cars, and Stunt Racers on the 2013 cardback (and I've missed the Deluxe cases every time).

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  • Hunter
    Here's a better picture of the cars finds I got today, I'm still in shock of what I came across at a pharmacy!!

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  • Fillmore1234
    Originally posted by jestrjef View Post
    Fillmore1234, don't give up, my man!! Though, I reported my success today, I didn't report the 18 stops and 7 hours of NOTHING I experience yesterday!! lolol You never know what is right around the corner!
    Of course I won't give up haha. I was just disappointed how I found absolutely nothing on the one day I was hoping I would find something. My little town is usually about a month and a half behind on all Singles, 2 Packs and Micro Drifters that don't get released in a big endcap display or sidekick. I saw my first Case F that was in a store on Monday. It's been out for over 100 days.

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  • cac1959
    Great scores, jestrjef and Hunter... Not exciting, but here are my finds from today:

    Kabuto (TJ Maxx) and Miles Axelrod (unibody, from Carson's):

    Struck out at a Target store... bypassed 3 Walmart stores and 1 Toys R US... went into the Kmart on my way home:

    Should get me 4 more Ivan... that's the most 2013 carded Deluxe and Movie Moments I've seen at any Kmart store I've been to... No Francesco Fan Mater or Elvis... no singles worth buying... I didn't have the 2013 Bob/Darrell Movie Moments for myself.

    I may go Cars shopping tomorrow morning...

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  • odisn
    Yep, I got extremely lucky today. I had planned to stop at 5 Targets after leaving work early and found them at my very first stop. Now I can relax until case H starts popping up, although I will grab extras of the chase Miles if I happen to see him when I'm already out shopping with the family.

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  • jestrjef
    Fillmore1234, don't give up, my man!! Though, I reported my success today, I didn't report the 18 stops and 7 hours of NOTHING I experience yesterday!! lolol You never know what is right around the corner!

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  • Fillmore1234
    Originally posted by odisn View Post
    Nice finds, Jeff! Hunter's photo is not showing up for me, so I have no idea what he found.

    I found a freshly pegged case G today at the Target in Holly Springs (a suburb of Raleigh). Got all 5 we needed, including the chase Miles.
    Hunter found Desert Back Lightning McQueen, Doc Hudson, Mater, and Fillmore at a pharmacy. And congrats on finding Case G! I went to 6 different stores today and found absolutely nothing.

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  • odisn
    Nice finds, Jeff! Hunter's photo is not showing up for me, so I have no idea what he found.

    I found a freshly pegged case G today at the Target in Holly Springs (a suburb of Raleigh). Got all 5 we needed, including the chase Miles.

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  • lavictdoukarai
    nice finds jestrjef and hunter! It's amazing!!finding cars 1 in a pharmacy!

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  • carslover
    that is an incredible find
    1st series cars for sale in a retail store

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  • Fillmore1234
    Originally posted by Hunter View Post
    I was super surprised to find these in my local pharmacy store. I just had to get them!
    WOAH! That would be amazing if they had just been sitting on the shelf for so long. Awesome find!

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  • Clearysdad19
    Originally posted by Hunter View Post
    I was super surprised to find these in my local pharmacy store. I just had to get them!
    How much for the top 3.

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  • boogity
    that IS a find, bezzer

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