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Recent Finds: October 2011

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  • Recent Finds: October 2011

    Please post your October 2011 finds in this thread...

    Good luck on your Cars hunts.

    I am cac1959... I am a Cars-a-holic... and a proud supporter of Nathan's Playroom

  • #2
    ,er in doors spotted singel nigel in debenhams today.

    anybody rememember who red nigel was ?

    answers on a postcard please


    • #3
      I picked up Max schnell in debenhams today, it was the launcher for £12.

      I need to get Shu Todoroki, Miguel Camino, Lewis hamilton and Carlo Maserati.


      • #4
        I got the Shu Todoroki launcher today at debenhams!


        • #5
          I found several Max Schnell singles at Wal-Mart last night in Georgia. My brother picked up three as well today for around $4 each. I am on the hunt for Miguel Camino, Lewis Hamilton and Carlo Maserati, as well.


          • #6
            Nice scores, JB and Mackie!


            • #7
              On evil bay there is a Max Schnell single on a UK card. Does anyone know who has these? Ive been to Asda and nothing new and Tesco have clipstrips with Miles and petrov so they are well behind. Argos have Nigels and Ramones. Can anyone in the UK have a look about and if they find anything let me know


              • #8
                have not seen herr max on me travels, will keep an look about for the german


                • #9
                  Another heads up K-Mart in Georgia have their back stock toys on 50% off found an Easy Idle launcher for $4. The package was torn, but will work for my "PMSOTS". I am recycling that idea. Finally found the Carla two pack with her crew chief, but was almost $10 with tax. The regular Cars 2 items are $2.99 as well.


                  • #10
                    I can't remember what it feels like to find something cool on the pegs.


                    • #11
                      As boogity reported before, I found some final laps in TK Maxx today for £3.99 ea. Swift, Coriander and Derek. Worth keeping an eye out. No sign of RDMS though....


                      • #12
                        Nice scores, JB, mackie, and pirelliboy.

                        Those of you in the US, the singles case with Miguel Camino and Shu Todoroki has been found at Kohl's and Sears... there have been confirmed reports that Mattel has pulled Finn, Mater, and to a lesser extent McQueen out of numerous Walmart stores and replaced them with a modified G case that has 3 Max Schnell.

                        Several people have found the new 2 packs with Security Finn and Sal Machiani, the Deluxe Pinion Tanaka, and the Miguel and Shu singles at Gordman stores... the nearest one is 105 miles (2 hours) away - I may head out in the morning to see what I can find.

                        I did purchase a couple items on an eBay Buy-It-Now yesterday - they have shipped... hopefully I will have them early next week.

                        I am cac1959... I am a Cars-a-holic... and a proud supporter of Nathan's Playroom


                        • #13
                          Does anybody know if TK Maxx is related to our TJ Maxx in the states? Was that a typo? Thanks.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by sodabear View Post
                            Does anybody know if TK Maxx is related to our TJ Maxx in the states? Was that a typo? Thanks.
                            They are both part of TJX companies. TK in the UK and TJ in the US and Canada.


                            • #15
                              Saw Chet Boxkarr for the first time ever in a store on Thursday (TJ Maxx). Also most of the Walmarts near me have the Max single. Nothing else to report at this time.

                              signature courtesy of BomBom77

